(set #def_drawer "Please choose where the ImageFX3:PowerStation drawer will be created:")
(set #def_help (cat
"Installation creates a new folder for ImageFX Lite at the location you specify."
"\n\nIf you have ImageFX 4 (or higher):\n"
"Select a different location on your harddrive to install ImageFX Lite."
"This will allow you to have both ImageFX and ImageFX Lite on your system."
"\nlook for PowerStation (also included) to upgrade your ImageFX4 system with PowerPC modules."
"If you have ImageFX3:\n"
"Make a back up of your ImageFX directory. ImageFX Lite will replace ImageFX3."
"\n\nVisit NovaDesign.com for upgrade information, access to resource material, and more."
(set #inv_sn "Invalid Serial Number")
(set #enter_sn "Please enter your AmigaOS4 Serial Number - if available")
(set #msg_getnm "Please enter your Name (first and last):")
(set #msg_getstr "Please enter your street address and apartment number:")
(set #msg_getpst "Please enter your city, state (or province) postal-code:")
(set #msg_getcou "Please enter your country:")
(set #msg_geteml "Please enter your e-mail address:")
(set #msg_askcom "Sound off! \nDo you have any additional comments you would like to add?")
(set #msg_getcom "Enter your comments below:")
(set #msg_uinfo "User Information\n\nWe collect some personal information to provide you with upgrades and/or special offers as they become available. This information is held in confidentiality, and will not be shared or sold.")
(set #msg_txtfl "Building Registration Card...")
(set #msg_md2 "\n\nMicroDot2 installation detected.\nRegistration can be completed by selecting \"send\" in your email window when it appears. Please press \"Proceed\" to verify your user-information.\n\nShould there be a problem, a duplicate message is saved to the ImageFX directory.")
(set #msg_regco "\n\n\nRegistration file complete. Please send the file named \"Register_ME\" to sales@novadesign.com, this will activate your user-account with us and allow you to take advantage of special offers.")
(set #msg_stup "To operate properly, ImageFX needs to make an assign to your user-startup.\n\nPrevious ImageFX4.x installations will not be affected.")
(set #msg_frstrn "Preparing to run ImageFX for the first time...")
(set #font_skip "\n\nXHelvetica to Helvetica name conversion skipped...")
(set #msg_ready "\n\n\nImageFX Lite (ImageFX3.3 with PowerStation) is now ready to run!\n\nUpgrade to ImageFX4.5 at www.novadesign.com. \n\nExtra PowerStation modules compiled and updated by Sigbjørn \"CISC\" Skjæret.\nInstaller by Dave \"Targhan\" Crawford")
(set #msg_cpy_1 "\n\nCopying system files...")
(set #msg_cpy_2 "\n\n\nNow copying ImageFX Lite to your HardDrive.")
(working "\n\n\nLICENSE:\n\nPlease read the End User Licence Agreement carefully. Close the window when finished, and press the button corrosponding to your acceptance or refusal of the terms of the licensing agreement.")
(run "more README >NIL:" (safe))
(message "\n\nSelect \"Proceed\" if you accept the licensing agreement as set forth in the README.")